Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to Test Your Web Site on Different Operating Systems

If you are a Windows user like most people out there than you might have been thrilled after you heard that Microsoft came out with a brand-new operating system and that this operating system promised to solve many of the issues found in Windows Vista while improving on its look and performance.

When designing a web site on your own computer it's easy to forget how it appears on other computers because of the screen size or m the operating system platform. If your building the web site on a PC it may not display the same as on a MAC. This means you could be losing visitors to your web site and missing out on potential sales.

Operating system platform statistics

These include Windows XP, W2000, Win7, Vista, W2003, Linux, Mac. Windows XP is the most popular platform and the Windows family counts for about 90% of all Internet users.

Ways to test your web site

Browser Cam

This is a paid service (although you can get a free trial) that enables you to view your web design on any browser on any operating system. It checks javascripts, DHTML, forms and other dynamic functionality on any platform and u can take tech support services for a business process,for your computer ,through these services u are free from computer services problems,or any other hardware problems.

It also allows you to test your site on different devices such as Iphone OS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile.

Install Multiple Platforms

Create 2 partitions on your hard drive then install an operating system on each drive. For example install Windows on one drive and Linux on the other. You can boot to either system for testing. Installing the MAC operating system on a PC is not recommended as it's not PC compatible.

Check Macintosh Browsers

You can check how your web site will appear on a Macintosh computer by using the MAC browser versions of Opera, Firefox and the Windows version of Safari. These three browsers share the same rendering engine across platforms. If you validate your HTML it will reduce display errors. The only other way to test is to view your web site on a MAC computer.

Ask Other Computer Users

If you design your web sites on a pc and your customer owns a mac, just ask a friend to view your design on their MAC before sending it to the customer. Do the same to test for other operating system platforms.

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